Third and Fourth Grade Winter Digital Book
92 in stock
The Third and Fourth Grade Winter Lessons explore Plant Classification, and the inherited similarities plants have within families. Children examine common plant families found in an edible garden to allow them to recognize various plant species, identify their nutritional needs and benefits, and determine crop interdependence.
Topic Covered Include:
- Introduction to Classification and Garden Plant Families
- The Legume Family (Includes an Estimation Math Activity)
- The Brassica Family (Making a Planting Plan)
- The Mint Family (Nutrition and "How-to" of Herbal Tea)
- The Allium (Onion) Family (with a Recipe for Tabbouleh)
- The Umbellifer (Parsley) Family (Includes and Activity to Grow Food from Scraps)
- The Beetroot (Goosefoot) Family (Beet Juice Tasting and Art)
- The Ginger Family (Nutrition and Review of Roots and Rhizomes)
- The Grass (Grains) Family (with Popcorn 101 Science)
- The Nightshade Family (Companion Planting for Biodiversity Within Your Garden)
This is a tested elementary school curriculum that makes it easy to have or add garden-based learning to any classroom or home. Kids will not feel like they are doing any "work" while engaging with their environment. Learning about where our food comes from encourages community, collaboration, environmental awareness, and life-long healthy habits.
Having a garden plot is helpful, but not needed for these lessons to be impactful!