Free Printables

Get Heart Smart Valentine's Day Activity
Learn about RED fruits and vegetables that keep your blood pumping and your heart healthy! Includes a fill-in-the blank activity that teaches content and spelling while motivating kids to solve a sweet holiday riddle. Answer key included.

Earthworm Fact or Fiction Fun Printable
Answer True or False to these Earthworm Riddles. Kids love to learn about Worms. Student Page and Answer Key included in the PDF at the link below.

St. Patty's Day - Multi Maze
Fill your pot of gold with a rainbow of nutrition! Different colors of fruits and vegetables mean different nutrients. Find all three ways through this oval maze to fill your pot with as many colorful foods as you can!

Ladybug Fact or Fiction
Use this worksheet to reinforce a lesson about ladybugs or test your knowledge about this iconic friend of the garden. The activity includes an answer key and is sure to spark conversation about why you'd want to attract these ladies into your growing space.

Super Easy Salad and Salad Dressings
As temperatures dip, enjoy this vitamin-packed salad and tasty salad dressings that will enhance the flavor of your seasonal garden greens.

Herbal Tea
Grab your fresh or dried herbs and brew up a tasty, nutritious elixir. While you're at it, try planting your own tea garden!

Yogurt and Sun Butter Apple Dip
Nothing says Fall like freshly harvested apples. This tasty and easy-to-make recipe is the perfect dip to complement these delicious seasonal fruits. (Pages taken from Rutabaga's "I Picked This!" recipe book.)

Coloring Pages - Hummingbird and Butterfly
These Butterfly and Hummingbird Coloring pages go with the Spring Pollinators lessons. The simple design has lots of room to add in all the colors and doodles that your imagination allows. See if you can find any pollinators at work around you today to inspire your coloring.

Warm vs. Cool Season Venn Diagram
Create a Venn Diagram to help visualize Warm versus Cool Season Planting by cutting out the crops on the next page and placing them in the appropriate circles. This activity accompanies Rutabaga Education’s Week 1 (Fall) lessons.

Summer Herb Recipes
Feel inspired in both the garden and the kitchen with these recipes that will tantalize all of your senses. Print one recipe or print them all.

Fall Prep List
Use this list to create a program and system that works best for you and the kids!

Autumn Sudoku
Enjoy this colorful puzzle designed for Preschool and Kindergarten to accompany the Autumn Leaves lesson. Use the extra leaves provided to fill in the rest of the grid and remember not to have any of the leaves repeat in the rows or the columns.

Autumn Leaves Count and Find
Count how many leaves of each variety in this easy and colorful activity to do at your desk or take with you on an outing. Answer key in link below.

Fall Word Search
This word search reinforces fun fall garden vocabulary for Preschool and Kindergarten. Use it to lead a day of discovery or a scavenger hunt as well. Helps review concepts from Rutabaga's Fall Lessons. Student Page and Answer Key included in the PDF at the link below.

Fall Word Search 2
This word search reinforces fun fall garden vocabulary introduced in the first three weeks. Use it to lead a day of discovery or a scavenger hunt as well. Helps review concepts from Rutabaga's Fall Lessons. Student Page and Answer Key included in the PDF at the link below.

Fall Crossword Puzzle - Show What You Know
Enjoy this fun crossword puzzle. It helps to have taught lessons 1-3 from the Rutabaga Education Fall Lessons written for 1st and 2nd Grade. Student Page and Answer Key included in the PDF at the link below.

Worm Maze
Fun maze and coloring page for Preschool and Kindergarten children. Printable complements the lesson about wonderful worms.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe
After removing pulp and seeds from your pumpkins, save those seeds for a delicious, nutritious seasonal snack.

Fall Crossword Puzzle Featuring All 5 Senses and Fall Crops
Enjoy this fun crossword puzzle. It helps to have used lessons 1-3 from the Rutabaga Education Fall Lessons for 3rd and 4th Grade. Student Page and Answer Key included in the PDF at the link below.

Fall End of Season Quiz
After using the Fall Third and Fourth Grade Lessons, use this assessment to reinforce the concepts and vocabulary. Student Page and Answer Key included in the PDF at the link below.

Back To School Fall Planting Design
Planting Chart to help plan your Fall Season Garden Beds, including Companion Planting suggestions.

Holiday Guacamole with Pomegranates
A festive and easy update to a classic recipe with kid-friendly directions for the Holidays. Download instructions with the ingredients and directions in the PDF from the link above.