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Third and Fourth Grade Fall Digital Book

84 in stock

The Third and Fourth Grade Fall Lessons explore planting and harvesting what is seasonally appropriate, and children explore the history of growing food worldwide. Life Science is also a key theme in examining how all components work together to create a healthy garden ecosystem.
    Topics Covered Include:
    • Seasonal Planting and Planning (Warm versus Cool Seasons)
    • Cucumbers (Nutrition, History, and Preservation)
    • Earth as an Apple (Environmental Activity and Discussion, along with Apple Info.)
    • Pumpkins (Observation and Math Estimation and Multiplication)
    • Leaves Changing Color (Chlorophyll, Photosynthesis, and World History)
    • Worms (Anatomy, Decomposition, Composting)
    • Soil (Healthy Composition and Ph Levels)
    • Potatoes (History, How to Grow, Recipes)
    • Fall Scavenger Hunt (Measurement, Observation, Food Chains)
    • Fall Harvest (When and How)
    This tested elementary school curriculum makes it easy to have or add garden-based learning to any classroom or home. Kids will not feel like they are doing any "work" while engaging with their environment. Learning about where our food comes from encourages community, collaboration, environmental awareness, and life-long healthy habits.

    Having a garden plot is helpful but not needed for these lessons to be impactful!

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