First and Second Grade Winter Digital Book
84 in stock
The First and Second Grade Winter Lessons explore the concept of both animal and plant adaptations during the cool months. Children are also exposed to a healthy dose of nutrition and learn how smart food choices impact their health. Toward the end of the season, lessons focus on seasonal and companion planting.
Topics Covered Include:
- Bird and Animal Adaptations to Weather
- Evergreen Trees, Pine Cones, and Pine Nuts (Classification and Nutrition)
- Herbs and Herbal Tea
- Eat from the Rainbow Review (Nutrition)
- Foods to Eat and Grow for Brain Health
- Whole Grains (Nutrition and Recipe)
- Eating a Healthy Breakfast for a Productive Day
- Roots and Rhizomes (Distinctinguising Between the Two Plant Categories)
- Warm Season Planning and Tomatoes
- Companion Planting for Biodiversity Within Your Garden
This tested elementary school curriculum makes it easy to have or add garden-based learning to any classroom or home. Kids will not feel like they are doing any "work" while engaging with their environment. Learning about where our food comes from encourages community, collaboration, environmental awareness, and life-long healthy habits.
Having a garden plot is helpful but not needed for these lessons to be impactful!