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Flashback Friday (2019) - So Much has Changed, So Much is the Same

Flashback Friday (2019) - So Much has Changed, So Much is the Same

Garden Expansion Project

It was fun to revisit this pre-pandemic post to see what has changed and what has stayed the same.

Three years later, we are still working on this project. Want to see what's happened since then? Check out our Instagram account HERE to see the progress Highlight of our Green House project.

May 10, 2019's now May 10th, and I'm a little behind in my recap of last month. These past few weeks included a trip across the country (Florida), one across borders (Mexico), and one where we spent a glorious weekend with beloved friends within the borders of the Joshua Tree National Park. I am so grateful for these opportunities to create memories with loved ones! (More vacation photos at the end.)

Easter Sunday with family in FL.

Easter Sunday with family in FL.

As for the garden, we've also been BUSY. We are currently in the process of doubling our garden space, and I have dreams about including a greenhouse made of recycled materials. It's a process that we keep chipping away at to reveal a place where years of memories will be made.

Building our newest bed. This will be our biggest yet. Oh, the possibilities!

Building our newest bed. This will be our biggest yet. Oh the possibilities!
These two helped a TON to take out and sift (such a pain) the grass!
These two helped a TON to take out and sift (such a pain) the grass!
New bed complete. Now we work on the other side. I see a greenhouse and open garden beds in our future!
New bed complete. Now we work on the other side. I see a greenhouse and open garden beds in our future!
I mean...I've got such a cute crew. :)
I mean...I've got such a cute crew. :)
Little helpers are the BEST!
Little helpers are the BEST!

In our existing vegetable garden our biggest successes have been our ever producing artichoke plants and our most recent harvest of red potatoes.

The artichoke plant has been amazing at continuously producing new buds. We've eaten and given away a few, and it keeps making more! My goal is to now leave the existing globes (if I can show some restraint) and allow them to flower. I think they would make a beautiful addition to the garden!

The thistle that just keeps on giving!

The thistle that just keeps on giving!
That ended up being dinner. :)
I always say that potatoes are one of my favorite crops to grow. That is due to the "treasure hunt" aspect of unearthing them. Red potatoes are especially fun to find due to their bright red/purple/pink hues. We are fortunate that we can grow potatoes year round. This recent harvest unearthed 6th generation Mitchell grown taters.

So much goodness in that colander.

So much goodness in that colander.
He did most of the digging. I love these opportunities where I get to be the observer.
He did most of the digging. I love these opportunities where I get to be the observer.
Super bright and easy to "hunt" for.

On the garden agenda for next month is to continue working on our garden expansion project. I would love to get a portion of it done so that we can plant corn, beans, cucumbers, zucchini, etc. A lot of work ahead, but such a labor of love!

More vacations photos are below!

Visiting the Alligator Farm in St. Augustine, FL. One of the oldest zoos in the country and a beautiful space for the animals.

Visiting the Alligator Farm in St. Augustine, FL. One of the oldest zoos in the country and a beautiful space for the animals.
Exploring the Guadalupe Valley with a very dear friend.
Exploring the Guadalupe Valley with a very dear friend.
Day and night these kids were climbing.
Day and night these kids were climbing.
The cutest and sweetest little crew of campers.
The cutest and sweetest little crew of campers.
This group of mamas and their families make my heart feel so full!
This group of mamas and their families make my heart feel so full!
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